10 and 2: Colorblocking

Hurrah, this one’s a two-fer! I found myself absent-mindedly perusing some style blogs and observing pupils dilate at the site of all the colorblocking still going on. Wow self, you should totes try that. Casual glance toward my chosen stack of 10 and 2 Challenge items and bam! Idea.

Layering my wrap blouse in a killer Kelly Green over a lovely blue dress and pairing it with my black suede Carlos Santana peep-toe heels and I’ve got some electric colorblocking going on indeed.

Enter Item One: A blue halter dress with another of those pleated skirts I was very fond of six years ago when I bought it.

What I love:

  • The color. Blue and I have a romance.
  • The pleats of course.
  • The neckline and bodice. You can’t see it but it is lovely for my ladies.

What I dislike:

  • The halter. It prevents you from wearing a decent bra.
  • The waist tie. It fits so well already, no need to tie it.
  • Again the length, just a bit too long for my height.

Enter Item Two: True wrap blouse left over from the banking days.

What I love:

The color. It is such a rich, bold green.

The fact that it wraps and ties like a wrap dress would.

The surplice neckline.

What I dislike:

  • It runs a little short if you wear it with jeans.
  • The tie sometimes feels bulky.

All in all I think I’m going to end up keeping both of these,  I really like how they play off of each other and I can think of many more ways to use them.

Check out Refinery29’s “How to Colorblock” for a few styles that play to the trend.

Or better yet? Do a Google image search for “colorblocking”. There’s a whole world out there and lots of ideas to try. Odds are you already have pieces available.

10 and 2: A New Challenge

Hello, Closet. Not to be rude, but I’m going to conquer you. We will be better friends afterwards, you’ll see.

Resolution #10, Defeat the Closet, is in full effect. I’ve started by pulling everything out and re-hanging it based on color, like I’ve seen them do at Plato’s Closet. I briefly debated then breaking it down into categories (long sleeves, tank tops etc.), but I needed to be realistic about it. It is already an extra step when I’m putting my laundry away to divide it by color or individually hang each item one at a time in the proper section – did I want to also have to sort by type? No no, far too much to think about. Really it is fortunate that I do my laundry at all.

And so I am going to embark on the 10 and 2 Challenge, created by the lovely Megan at Feathers and Freckles.

The Rules:

  • Pick 10 items from your closet that you avoid or have never worn (include accessories if you’d like).
  • Wear at least one of those items every day for 2 weeks.
  • Take photos so you can see what other people were looking at all day.
  • Make a decision; to keep or not to keep. No second guesses or second chances!

Here’s the one I’ve got planned for tomorrow:

I haven’t worn that gold dress in a few years, and until now it has just taken up space. It has a pretty,sort of art nouveau print I’ve always liked. I am hoping pairing it with the solid blazer and my riding boots will give it the edge and wear-ability I’m looking for.

I have a super long day tomorrow including work, a 5-hour meeting, happy hour, possibly dancing and then some copy writing and tech socializing at the Jelly. We shall see if my ensemble is up to the challenge.

After this closet cleanse, I will be embarking on a new 30 for 30 Challenge in March. Anyone up to join?

Outfit: Table For Two

Another outfit write-up hits the electronic pages:

Image by Zappos.com


” The day has been filled with cobble-stone streets, new flavors of gelato, crowded museums and peaceful walks through ancient architecture. Now as the sun fades and the evening begins, you dress for the magic that awaits you at a secluded table for two. A pretty peasant dress with flowing lines and drawstring details is the perfect piece for this romantic evening, and the sweet ruffled clutch you managed to tuck into your suitcase is a welcome respite from your packed day bag. The platform heels that match beautifully are completely worth the space they cost you, and you don dangling stone earrings that you know the candlelight will catch. The hostess seats you at the outdoor table you hoped she would, and as the wine is poured and the gentle whisper of music is heard around the square, you can’t imagine a better day. A glance across the table at his smile tells you that neither can he.”